Taking the plunge

Or Did Something Push Me?

I would like to think as if I stared over the cliff’s edge and into the abyss and demonstratively beat my chest before hurling myself into the creative lagoon of uncertainty.

But it didn’t exactly happen like that.

I had been working steadily on my most ambitious creative project yet while working a full time job. The kind of job that’s in a really cool office, but at the end of the day, still an air conditioned, industrial carpeted, office.

My full time work was beginning to show wear at its edges and my boss took notice. I was asked if my heart was really in it — and although I knew the answer, they knew the answer, it was still painful to admit to myself.

I was passionate about finishing my side creative project however, so after an amicable break with my employer at the time, I was in a position that I had dreamt of. I had great creative partners and financial backers to finish a project that had significant personal meaning to me.

But then, I found my financial backers and I to not be on the same page. I was losing creative control of a personal project and I felt betrayed.

The situation became incredibly stressful. It was feeling like the antithesis of how I had imagined it being.

What I learned is that the business of the arts is a tricky one… to say the least. I understand the challenges of balancing a creative calling and vision with the external world, be them business people, creative partners, family, friends, and your Self.

Through self care and therapeutic support, it’s possible to come out on the other side of dark times while thriving.

We can work together to channel your creative energy into a life that feels authentic and joyful.


Why I Meditate


What is Psychedelic Integration?