As a former startup founder, I have been in business partnership and know just how difficult it can be to manage the intensity of such a relationship.

Business partner relationships can involve thrilling highs and daunting challenges. It's a journey where both parties navigate uncertainties, confront obstacles, and learn from setbacks as much as successes. Sometimes, differing perspectives or unexpected hurdles may test the partnership's resilience, requiring open communication and a willingness to adapt. Yet, it's precisely these challenges that offer opportunities for growth, innovation, and the strengthening of bonds. In the face of adversity, a strong partnership emerges even more resilient, poised to conquer new frontiers together.

If you are finding the challenges are impacting the relationship and consequently the business, perhaps you are ready to have an unbiased party without any vested interest help mediate your situation.

Let me help you work towards more success and less “Succession”.