

It’s a feeling that can gestate in the background and creep up slowly or come out of nowhere and hit you like a ton of bricks. Either way, burnout can be debilitating and encroach on every aspect of our lives. Burnout not only impacts the individual, but also those who we are in relationship to, often wearing on those who are closest to us.

Let’s face it, life in Los Angeles can feel like a pressure cooker.

Because the pace of our world seems to be ever increasing, with tight timelines, unrealistic expectations and demands, burnout is becoming less stigmatized. With that said, the pressure of school, work, and overachieving environments, the ability to process the feeling remains unattended to. The negative consequences of burnout can include:

  • depression

  • anger and irritability

  • fatigue

  • excessive stress

  • dis-ease and illness

I can help you process your experience and navigate towards a feeling of equanimity with a holistic approach. Together we will evaluate your options, values and develop tools to thrive.